Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Temu Lawak Family

These are the'' temu'' family...malay herbs can be purchase in Larkin Terminal market in JB.

Mak Shopping

Mak shopping for her daily needs in life

Pizza Hut

Stuffed crust seafood pizza a treat from mak after her stay in Tampines.Back in the west and enjoying our dinner as a family.Bonding time.

40 Days

Time passed away and its been a month you are gone bapak.

Twelve Cupcakes

September promotion for cupcakes at $2.50 per piece.Raspberry vanilla,red velvet and coffee walnut cookie, nicely packed in a beautiful box handmade with love.

Silver Arts 2017

September JB Trip

21 September,no plans for anything in Singapore makes us wander in JB for food and chill out for the day.

Home Cooked Meal

Cooking simple meals with unexpected guest in the house.Cik Eton arrival over the Sunday.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

7 September 2017

Finally our HDB appointments completed on 7 September while the next day is Bapak Birthday.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Slmt Ulang Tahun

Selamat Ulang Tahun Bapak yang ke 73 tahun di 2017.He passed away at 72 years old 3 weeks before his birthday.Bapak you are to be miss.

Selamat Tinggal Selamanya

Julie Raya Open House

Free treat

A free treat from my relative Wati on her  yummylicious fruity yogurt at Food Expo.