Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Porta de Santiago ( A' Famosa )

It is part of a fortress of the A' Famosa, built by the portuguese in 1511.It was damaged by the Dutch during an attack.Timely intervention by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1808, saved the fort from destruction and it's gateway still stands today.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Inside The Palace

Sultanate Palace

My first mission is to visit the Sultanate palace,we came out from the hotel and walked towards the north according to the map.Explore the area first and since it is my first time to Malacca...I'm extreme careful of where I 'ENTER' and 'EXIT'...luckily things go on very smoothly according to the map...no COMPLICATIONS.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Bathroom

Deluxe Guest Room

Equatorial Malacca

We checked in at about 1pm.Time for Zohor prayer,rest and take an hour break before exploring the little town filled with history...so excited!

Malacca Journey

The views from Jasin highway towards Bandaraya Melaka.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Malacca Trip 2011

25-26 May 2011,time for a short break to Malacca.Me and mum leave home around 6am and catch a bus to Concorde Hotel for our departure.Arrived very early and had a cup of hot coffee while waiting for the travel agency to open at 7.30am.I'm too excited for the trip that I couldn't fall asleep last night.