Monday, August 28, 2017

Farewell My Dearest Bapak

Sadly,after the oaths taken at my residence in front of a lawyer,2 hours later bapak coughed out blood and his cough sounds chesty.I called the ambulance on that morning at 12.30am on 18 Aug 2017 for him to be rush to NTFGH.He was warded in Isolation unit and not well with every 5 minutes of coughing and spitting of blood.I was paranoid seeing him suffer and in great pain and feeling breatheless.Ward doctor gave him cough syrup,morphine and oxygen mask to make him relax while they are ordering his units of blood.The cancer progressed very rapidly and nothing can be done to cure him.Medication only helps him to ease the pain but not CURE.He complaint of pain and tiredness due to his cough and gasping for oxygen...the crucial moment where his organs declined and I calm him down by reciting verses from the quran and told him to rest his eyes.Minutes later,bapak passed out and the monintor failed to detect his heart reading.

Medical staffs came to his rescue and CPR was given but he was dying.His heart beat was very low and 10 mins later he passed away peacefully and the ECG equipment reading was a straight line.Bapak was pronounced dead at 8.45am.

On that sorrowful morning,we arranged a burial to be done and everything goes smoothly.Alhamdulilah...although he is to be miss forever and taking care of him is not complicated when I still have my activities and hold a weekend job.Time is too short being his caregiver and mak as the prime caregiver will miss every moments of care when he was alive.Al-Fateha.